My Journey

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The start and the struggle

My whole life, I did everything I was supposed to do – got good grades, went to the right schools and got the jobs other people were pining over. I worked hard and looked like a successful high achiever. But it was always a struggle, and worse, I felt that there was always something missing. It was never enough, I never felt good enough. I always felt like I was faking it, and worse – I would be found out that I was faking it. So I kept seeking, looking for what could help me feel more at peace, and content with my life.

Being successful in my early years on Wall Street meant not only working hard and knowing my stuff, but also conforming to the aggressive, dominant, outspoken style of those who were in charge. Then one day, I was sitting in a meeting where, even when I did manage to get a word in edgewise, no one listened to me, I realized it wasn’t working. Because it wasn’t who I was - it was inauthentic.

That started my journey of my own self-discovery. I started quietly taking courses in my free time, from watercolor to astrology. None of them were a silver bullet, but each of them had something to take from it, and I began to apply bits and pieces that felt right to me in my life and at work. Some of it was great. Some of it crashed and burned. But over time, I was able to find my own authentic voice and use it to my advantage at work. As I became more comfortable with myself and my own style, others responded to me better. On the outside, the change looked as simple as wearing colorful dresses that reflected my own sense of style and purpose, instead of the masculine pinstripe suits favored by my colleagues. On the inside, however, I was letting myself get into my flow that allowed me to connect dots and create solutions others were not or could not see. I got the promotion I had been pining for. And even more importantly, I was able to show up to work with ease and grace and get results by being myself.

Navigating your journey

Now I want to facilitate that journey for other women. Through my practice, I use what I have learned to guide you through your own journey of discovery in order to allow your authentic self to shine thorough and achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of.


The Value of Money